Sunday, December 29, 2019

Loneliness as a Key Theme in ‘of Mice and Men’ by John...

I believe that the novel does have a large focus on the theme of loneliness as this feature plays a key rà ´le in the lives of every character and is a key attribute to the time in which they live. The loyalty and friendship of George and Lennie stands out in this harsh environment and I feel that it is that friendship in contrast with the rest of society in the novel that makes the book so fantastic. Steinbeck was born on February 27, 1902. During summers he would work as an itinerant worker on ranches which helped strongly influence his writing and it is often thought it was his experiences on these ranches in the ‘Dustbowl’ which inspired him to write the novel. It also allows him to write with a complete sense of realism which allows†¦show more content†¦She feels she must act as a â€Å"tart† in order to get the attention of the men on the ranch, although I think inside, she is just a lonely girl with big dreams to leave the ranch, become a Hollywood actress and ultimately find friendship and true loyalty – â€Å"I never get to talk to nobody, or else, Curley gets mad†. Steinbeck wrote the characters of George and Lennie to be the contrast in the novel, allowing him to explore the idea of loneliness and make the readers really feel and empathize for the characters in the novel. Steinbeck wrote Lennie as a childlike character, which allows Steinbeck to convey thoughts to the reader in a blunt fashion without the restrictions of regular adult characters - But not us because.........because I got you to look after me and you have got me to look after you and that s why. In conclusion, I think that Loneliness is one of the key themes that helps bring the whole story of ‘Of Mice and Men’ together and makes it such a fantastic novel. I feel it is this, along with Steinbecks ability to write so excellently about the gritty social realism that made ‘Of Mice and Men’ such a classic and helped it retain its status of one of the books that changed the world, eventually winning Steinbeck the Nobel Prize for Literature; an award he very much

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Gender Roles in Pop Culture Essay - 1114 Words

On television commercials, billboards, the radio, public transportation advertisements, planes, the internet, and almost everywhere people go there is always directed broadcasting of advertisements for companies to sell their product; a product that is never promoted for all of the general public to use, but instead to emphasize on specific categories of consumption . Whether it may be categorized in the decadent, the money saving, health, cleaning, cooking, automotive, or whatever sub category it may be; and bigger roles that play in to commercialism are gender roles . Men and women have very different lifestyles, what they buy, do, consume, and produce. As stated in Gender Role Behaviors and Attitudes, â€Å"Popular conceptions of femininity†¦show more content†¦In the marketer’s eyes, in order to attract people’s attention on what they want is to first segregate the commercial in to which type of person the product is going to be sold to, then break it down in an obvious way – showing major differences in the general public’s interests, sorting ‘the consumer’ down to a more focused group of people; as if one were looking past a continuous stream of red squares, then notice’s a blue square, he or she will notice the blue square standing out from the red squares; the blue square being the advertisement that fits to that person’s personality. For example if there was a commercial for a truck produced by a typical American organization, the advertisement shows masculinity and manliness in extensive ways, with mud, heavy weights, and other things. With a Victoria’s Secret advertisement, the milieu is very sensual and scandalous, showing light colors such as pink or white, all while having a soft, fluffy tone to it. There is no escape in gender roles and profiling when it comes to marketing; people who want to sell their product will use the most effective means necessary, no matter if it is morally sound or not . If companies were to have general broadened commercials, then summarize a product and ends up not narrowing down to specific consumer needs, then in most cases it would not interest the customer and could quite possibly render the purpose utterly useless. These ‘methods’ corporations use to engrain images and rules ofShow MoreRelatedThe Sexualization Of The Female Pop Celebrity1482 Words   |  6 Pagesthe female pop celebrity has been a significant point of research for many years. Since the rise of celebrity, scholars have been studying how the roles we place on our notable figures influence the rest of us. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Drafting Process Analysis Free Essays

According to the ‘Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English’ a ‘Process’ is defined as a ‘continued set of actions performed intentionally in order to reach some result’ If making anything constitutes a process then I decided one fine day to indulge myself in some kind of activity the fruits of whose labour I can thoroughly enjoy later on. I decided to brew beer at my home. Other than the obvious highs that it gives you even the csting is very less, so it wont be a burden on the pocket too. We will write a custom essay sample on Drafting Process Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now It was taught to me by one of my closest chums and involves a number of steps before embarking on the real process. The right kind of equipment is a must for the successful completion of this kind of task. The quality of beer depends a lot upon the kind of equipment that you are using and the ingredients. Lets first start with lining up the equipment. The basic equipment you need is readily available on any of the hardware stores and includes One 10 Gallon fermenter with lid, Brew Pot, Spoon, Siphon Hose, Vinyl Tubing, Hose Clamp for siphon, some plastic pop bottles with lid, Hydrometer, Thermometer and a measuring cup. The main ingredients that one will need are the Malt Extract in size according to the quantity of beer you wish to make. It can be taken in a flavour of your liking i. e. light or dark. Yeast is a important ingredient in the process of brewing beer, so you will need around 50gms of Yeast also. Other than that you will require around 5-6 cups of white sugar. After getting ready with your things the all the equipments needed in the beer making process should be cleaned thoroughly for hygienic reasons. In the large pot boil around 10 litres of water. Also pour about the same quantity of cold water in to the fermenter. Add around 1 – 1. 5 kg of malt in the boiling water and let it cook on low to medium flame for about 30 minutes. Cooking on medium to low flame helps cooking in a better manner. Add some sugar to the boiling mixture. The moment the sugar dissolves in the hot mixture, pour all the contents inside the fermenter with yeast. Add some cold water to bring down the temperature to room level. After that cover the lid and let the beer brew. Normally it will take around a week for the beer to brew completely at room temperature. After a week test the quality of beer with the help of an hydrometer or otherwise seasoned beer makers can tell its quality just by tasting it manually. After that comes the stage of taking the beer if its ready out of the fermenter and poring it inside the bottles. Do it carefully without spilling the precious liquid on the floor. Pour the beer from the fermenter inside the bottles with the help of a funnel. Frothing should also be avoided while filling and the bottles should also not be filled completely. Store the bottles in a warm dark area for few days and then make them cool. The beer is ready to drink but if you want to improve the quality then they should be stored for a bit longer period. Though it cannot be said that this kind of product and process is only for tipplers. Anybody can make and then enjoy a homemade beer in just a few simple steps as explained above. The biggest advantage of making beer at home is that it is sans any kind of preservatives and chemicals and is very pure. So, pals go ahead and make your first lot of Home made Beer and Enjoy. Cheers†¦. How to cite Drafting Process Analysis, Essays